The Big Delta Sky Club American Express Sell Out

Well I traveled today, and as I always do I got to the the airport early so I could hang out and relax in the Delta Sky Club. I always arrive early so as to avoid any hassles or surprises. Well I guess you cant anticipate every surprise.
So me and a guest went to the club to relax and get some work done. And to my surprise they now “charge for guests”, yes that’s correct, starting May 1st 2014 they will charge $29 for a guest if charged to the AMEX. Now I purposely spent the high annual fee for the Delta Black Sky Miles card for club access. So this really made me hot under the collar so to speak.
Now being a business owner I know that prices mostly always go up. Expenses are passed onto the customer and the first thing to go in a business where the bottom line is not being met is the extras. But when you get rid of features or benefits of a product that consumers mainly buy that product for, you risk disaster.
So I am not sure what the fall out will be from all of this, for me personally I guess I wont be going in the club if I have guests, and I will probably switch cards. Lets hope in the future that people like AMEX think about the value their product adds to the consumer and how it affects the choices they make in purchasing that product.
In the end every company needs to make a profit. But in order to do that you need consumers of your product.